Meet Jordan | Class of 2019 | Louisville High School

September 09, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

        As I pulled into the parking lot of Silver Park on that beautiful August evening, it was easy to identify my High School Senior because he was standing between two beautiful cars that I knew were going to be part of our session.  As my excitement was growing from the sight of the cars, it grew even bigger once I got to meet Jordan and witness his fabulous smile.  Everything was indicating a great session ahead, and that proved to be an understatement.

        I love to have parents along for the experience, and having both Jordan's Mom and Dad joining us was super helpful.  I'm not sure how I deserve to be so blessed, but I get to meet the nicest families as a photographer.  Jordan and his family rate way up there!  

        So, we started out the session fairly casual, although I learned that normal casual for Jordan is rather colorful.  Black is his "go-to" color when he steps it up a bit.  I did see this theme as the session progressed.  Adding the letterman's jacket was a great touch, and helped to tell his high school story.  This first segment is when most people are still rather stiff and tense as they are getting familiar with how I work.  Not Jordan!  He looked cool as a cucumber.  Apparently, my running around and "oohs" and "ahhhs" from behind the camera didn't phase him.  I think he works well under pressure, which makes sense because he is a pitcher in baseball.  But, I will get into that more later.

Jordan - Class of 2019Senior Portrait Session Segment 1

        As we moved into segment 2 of our portrait session, Jordan stepped it up with this classy dress shirt.  Notice, it is black.  I can't complain because he wears it so well.  Check out these shots!  I truly remember gasping when I looked through my camera and saw what we were creating here.  It felt strange to ask Jordan to give me an expression that was not smiling.  Smiling comes naturally for him.  His friends would describe Jordan as being funny, smart, and always smiling.  I absolutely see all of those qualities.  Nonetheless, he totally nailed the non-smiling poses.  

Jordan - Class of 2019Senior Portrait Session Segment 2

        This next segment of the session is when the fun really started!  Oh yeah!  Check out these cars!  They looked even more fabulous in real life because Jordan's Dad used extra care to get them into showroom condition.  Actually, I think his Dad might keep them in showroom condition.  Anyway, among Jordan's interests are paintball, camping, fishing, video games and cars.  So, is it any wonder that these smiles come so naturally?  The Corvette is technically Grandpa's car, but there just might be a trip to prom in that car's future.

Jordan - Class of 2019Senior Portrait Session Segment 3

        Okay....  Brace yourself.  It actually does get better than this.  Let's just add a sophisticated black suit to the mix and I'm thinking James Bond has a run for his money.  I was literally giddy inside taking these portraits.  His future plans include attending Walsh University where he will be playing baseball and majoring in cybersecurity.  I think he can take on the world!  Jordan said that these portraits with the cars were his favorite and I can't disagree. 

Jordan - Class of 2019Senior Portrait Session Segment 4

        We transitioned our session from the cars to baseball.  Clearly this is another passion for Jordan.  Having played Louisville High School varsity baseball and Terriers baseball, Jordan is no stranger to the mound.  He is dedicated, smart, level-headed and, clearly, so kind.  He would be a coach's dream.  I'm sure Walsh is thrilled to add him to their line-up next year.  

Jordan - Class of 2019Senior Portrait Session Segment 5

        As a mom who has experienced the transition of my own kids from high school to college and beyond, I know how much we cherish the portraits that so purely portray the essence of our kids and what makes them special.  According to Jordan's Mom, these portraits are "typical Jordan."  That makes my heart happy.

Jordan - Class of 2019Senior Portrait Session Segment 6

        You just might run into Jordan at Wings, Winking Lizard, Chipotle, A-1 Steakhouse, or Best Buy.  That is, if he isn't playing baseball, paintball, or video games.  You can spot him in his sweet black car, and he may be dressed in black if it is a special occasion or a little brighter if he's just hanging out.  Either way, you can bet he will be wearing a smile and that smile will make you smile, too.  

        Jordan said that he had fun during our session.  Jordan, I had so much fun!!!!  It has been a pleasure getting to know you and your family.  I wish you all the best and will be watching to see what great things you accomplish.  Thank you for allowing Laura Esposito Photography to capture your senior portraits.

You make the memories; I will help you cherish them.

Love and Smiles,



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