Why invest in professional senior portraits? It isn't about the pictures; it is about YOU!

March 21, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Hello to all of you finishing up your junior year.  Oh, I'm sure you have the days and hours counted down to the moment you can officially call yourselves SENIORS!  Do you realize how intense your senior year can be?  You have so much excitement ahead; and, unfortunately, you will probably be dealing with some stress.  So, why should you add to that stress by making professional senior portraits a priority?  Because investing in your professional senior portrait session will provide you with so much more than just pictures.  Let's explore some of those reasons for making senior portraits a priority.


Well, for one reason, you deserve it!  How many times in your life will you have an opportunity to star in your own photo shoot?  For once, this really is all about you.  This is your chance to showcase yourself.  Express your originality!  Make the portrait session uniquely yours.  See just how amazing you look through the lens of a professional.  All of us can use a little confidence boost, especially when we are preparing to transition out into the world.

Helen Helen














Another really important reason is because it will make Mom happy.  If not Mom, then someone out there is going to be gushing over your portraits.  Hey, let them gush.  They are just so anxious to treasure a stunning portrait of you that is not a selfie.  You know they are probably sharing any photo of you they can get their hands on, so why not give them the opportunity to share ones that you know showcase you at your best?  You didn't have much control over your baby pictures, but these senior portraits are a reflection of you, here and now.


A more practical reason for investing in senior portraits is that you will be needing a professional quality headshot.  This is a great time to capture that portrait that will be sure to impress on your LinkedIn page.  Many scholarship applications require headshots.  The local paper may be requesting a headshot so that they can recognize your accomplishments.  That image of you on your phone with the words on your shirt appearing backwards just won't cut it.  You are a talented and bright individual.  Give them a portrait that portrays these qualities.

















As much as you may not want to face this reality, you really are going to move on in a new direction.  The chances are very good that you will no longer be surrounded by your current circle of friends.  Having some quality portraits to share can give you and your friends something to hold on to.  Of course, you can go back through your Facebook or Instagram histories, but there is something special about actual pictures that can be treasured.

Graduation Announcements Graduating from high school is a very good reason to celebrate.  Preparing for your graduation party can be so much fun, and a big part of that is designing your graduation announcement.  Creating a completely original, custom-designed graduation announcement is one of the services that I offer.  Just imagine how thrilled your family and friends would be to see this in their mailbox.  These will probably end up in frames rather than the trash.

Katie Hunter














So, what is my favorite reason for having a professional senior portrait session?  It is so much FUN!  Oh, my goodness!  You get to choose your location, and what outfits you want to wear, and what props to include, and try a variety of poses and expressions.  We get creative and crazy and serious and intense.  You will have a blast seeing yourself along the way and helping to create the experience.  Your input is crucial.  My job is to help you capture the essence of you, to show you how amazing you are.  And, if Mom cries in the process, I have tissues.  

Zachary MacKenzie














And, the portrait session is just the beginning.  Once your finished portraits are made available and you start to share, you will be blushing as everyone is gushing over your amazing portraits.  Your gallery will be available on my website, and you will have a mobile app that makes viewing and sharing your portraits convenient from your phone.  Like I said before, let them gush.  It really is all part of the fun.

I wish all of you Soon-to-Be Seniors the best of luck.  This really is such an exciting time for you.  I hope that I have made a compelling case for the importance of a professional senior portrait session.  And, if I am privileged to be your photographer and magic maker, then we will both be having fun!

You make the memories; I will help you cherish them.

Love and Smiles,






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