Meet Brooke | Class of 2020 | Louisville High School

February 06, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

     I am so honored to take this opportunity to gush on this beautiful and talented bundle of positivity.  Brooke is part of the graduating class of 2020 from Louisville High School where she shares her talents in the "Pride of Louisville" marching band.  I was anxiously anticipating our portrait session together because I have fond memories of watching Brooke perform with the Powell Dance and Singing Center where my own daughter performed many years ago.  The Brooke that I met at the stadium was a lovely matured version of the little girl that I remembered, but still with that spark in her eye and quiet confidence that I so love.  Starting our session at the stadium allowed us to use the iconic band bus as the perfect backdrop.

Brooke | Class of 2020

      Our next stop was Quail Hollow Park in beautiful Hartville where we found the ideal settings for the rest of the session.  After looking at the great outfits Brooke chose to bring, we made a plan for locations and line-up and got down to business.  This soft and stylish vest was the perfect color to complement Brooke's glowing skin tones.  The trail through the woods created the ideal backdrop to show off Brooke's radiance.

Brooke | Class of 2020

      We had hit the point in the evening when I recognized that the sun was in the ideal position to bring this field to life.  In discussing her session, I learned that Brooke had a vision for using a field for some calm and carefree portraits.  She even brought the perfect outfit.  We certainly achieved our goal!  These are some of Brooke's favorite portraits.  There are so many other breathtaking images from this setting in her gallery.

Brooke | Class of 2020

      Next segment...... the guitar.  I immediately understood the value of this guitar as Brooke reverently removed it from the case.  This was a very special gift from her parents and, rightfully, a prized possession.  But, it was more than the uniqueness and craftsmanship in this guitar.  Its value really lies in what it allows Brooke to do and where it can take her.  Music has always been a big part of Brooke's life, and she intends to keep it that way.  She is even considering a career in music therapy.  Ultimately, these portraits reveal so much about Brooke and her story would never be complete without them.

Brooke | Class of 2020

      What can be said about a girl and her dog?  A whole lot if you look at these portraits.  Oh, the connection these two have!  Brooke's cousin was so incredibly kind to bring her furry friend near the end of our session so that he could be part of the experience.  Brookes smile became more exuberant and the fun meter went through the w(r)oof.  These are priceless!

Brooke | Class of 2020

      At this point, we were losing daylight, but had one more outfit that we wanted to include.  We actually used the changing light to create some drama and a different feel with the magic of added light.  I think that it actually enhances our ability to show Brooke's focused and professional side.

Brooke | Class of 2020

      It is obvious that we captured a wide variety of beautiful portraits to tell Brooke's story, and we had so much fun in the process.  In addition to being part of the Powell Dance and Singing Center and in the color guard, Brooke shares her talents in the prestigious group of Varsity Singers.  As we know, she loves music and the guitar, but also likes reading (especially mysteries) and watching drama or comedy movies.  She enjoys hanging out with friends and relaxing, too.  Those friends would describe Brooke as loyal, trustworthy and even a little quirky, which is why they love her.  To round out her interests, we have to include punk rock and gamers on Youtube.  If she is going out, she would enjoy Steak n Shake or someplace with pasta.  A stop at Hot Topic or Hollister would be much enjoyed, as well.

      Brooke, you know it was my pleasure to tell your story in portraits.  I hope you remember how much fun we had and how much you inspired me to create your gorgeous images.  You have an incredibly bright future and I can't wait to watch it unfold.


*What did Brooke have to say about her portrait session?

I chose Laura Esposito Photography because I liked the way others' photos turned out and I knew her daughter.  I liked that she was super nice, accommodating, and made it about my senior experience.  I really loved the pictures of the dress in the field.  I was surprised at how fast the time went by.


Preserving memories one portrait at a time.

Love and Smiles,



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