Graduation Announcements for the Class of 2020: Honoring your senior during a pandemic

April 26, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

As if navigating your high school senior's graduation year isn't difficult enough, now you have to make all of this happen in the presence of COVID-19.  Well, pandemic or not, your high school senior is graduating and they deserve to be acknowledged and honored.  Let's explore some options and see how we might share that information in a beautiful graduation announcement.  

At this time, many high schools have announced their alternative to a typical graduation ceremony.  Since it would not be wise to pack a venue with hundreds of people, high schools are creating virtual graduations.  Thanks to the power of the internet, family and friends may "attend" the ceremony from their homes.  This information can be shared on the announcement. 


Option 1:  Carry on... but with a fairly late graduation party planned.

We have come to expect that today's environment requires us to be flexible.  It is so difficult to predict what sort of restrictions or recommendations we might be advised to follow at any given time.  Some families have decided to continue with party plans, but to push that party date out to a later time.  This announcement can have the more traditional wording as seen below.



Option 2:  Push the celebration out even farther as a send-off party.

Perhaps, you want to have the party, but you want to push that party date out as far as you can.  Then, the party can be more of a "send-off" as it is so close to when the senior may be moving on to their post-graduation plans.  Then, your announcement approach could look like the example below.



Option 3:  Celebrate with a virtual party on line.

One thing that has come from our experience as we make accommodations during this time is our ingenuity.  I am amazed at what can be accomplished through the various on-line platforms.  Maybe your family would prefer some sort of on-line celebration.  This could be particularly helpful if many of your family and friends are not geographically close.  If that is the route you choose to follow, your announcement could be worded as you see below.



Option 4:  Alert your family and friends that the party information will be coming at a later date.

As we already mentioned, the restrictions and recommendations for how we conduct ourselves is ever-changing.  You may not feel that you have enough information at this time to officially plan a party, but you do not want to commit to having no party.  It would be perfectly acceptable to honor your high school senior by sending an announcement that indicates that the information regarding a celebration will coming in the future.  This way, you are sending an announcement at the appropriate time to acknowledge your senior's milestone, and you are informing family and friends that the party plans have not been finalized.  The reality is that all of us are living with so much uncertainty, everyone will be understanding and willing to accommodate.  Your announcement could indicate that as shown below.



Option 5:  Forego having a gathering, but still honor your high school senior's accomplishment.

A final option to consider with absolutely no shame is to forego a party altogether.  If you and your senior feel that the stress and uncertainty surrounding an actual party is simply not worth the effort, then, by all means, do not have a party.  The absence of a party does not mean that your senior is not worthy of recognition and honor.  I can't imagine that anyone would question that decision in our current situation.  Tasteful wording for such an approach can be seen below.



I sincerely hope that whatever approach is best for your situation, that you can follow that path with confidence and peace in your heart.  Your family and friends will want to show your senior just how special they are, so do send an announcement to let them know how that can happen.  This is the time for understanding, flexibility, innovation, and kindness.  I am so incredibly proud of all of my Seniors in the Class of 2020.  I hope that I can continue to honor you and your accomplishments.

Love and Smiles,


*Please note that any information that has been included on these sample graduation announcements is not accurate.  I fabricated the information for the purpose of providing an example.  If anyone knows where Happy Street is located, let me know.  I think we should all move there.  :-)


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