This beautiful smile and spirit belong to Elayna, a Senior in the Class of 2022 at Canton South High School. Elayna, who also goes by Laynee, had a spectacular October senior portrait session on the beautiful property of her home and at a nearby pond. Along with her mom, Elayna had two very special and supportive friends along who helped to generate these beautiful and authentic smiles.
It became clear to me very quickly that Elayna's sweet and carefree personality, along with those adorable dimples, would be so much fun to capture. Every direction I turned became a lovely backdrop for a portrait. I felt that her second outfit was so fitting to her personality, and I liked it even better when we changed it up into her boots.
Somehow, I seem to get to work with some of the most inspiring and admirable high school seniors. Elayna is no exception! At school, she shares her talents in track, the Wildcat Christian Athletes (WCA), Student Leadership, Business Professionals of America (BPA), Sixth Man Mentoring, and National Technical Honors Society (NTHS). In her church, which is Canton First Church of the Nazarene, she is involved in the youth program and is a volunteer at the children's check-in.
When she is not busy with school and her many activities, she enjoys taking pictures. No wonder we got along so well! She also likes scrapbooking. Spending time with friends and family is important to her.
We really could have remained on her property for the entire evening with so many great settings, but we decided to change into a new outfit and move on to a beautiful nearby pond. We arrived at this location in time for the perfect angle of light and created some magical portraits. This new look was so different, but still "so Laynee"!
Elayna's friends had some wonderful things to share about her. Emily describes her a someone who is "sweet to everyone and patient." She also said that she can "see the best in everyone." Alexis describes her as "thoughtful and kind-hearted." I am not surprised in the least! I found all of this to be true in the short time that we spent together.
One of my goals for every session is to capture all sides of my Senior, and I feel like Elayna made that so easy for me. You can see the playful, sweet, and the contemplative parts of her personality and they are all beatiful.
Elayna loves country music. she enjoys baking and watching the show Outer Banks. One of her favorite Youtubers is the Labrant family. She loves going to Hilton Head in the summer with her family.
Elayna plans to attend college to explore graphic design and photography. This excites me, personally! She knows that she will miss her friends and the staff at Canton South that have influenced her in so many ways. But, she is excited to start a new journey of her life.
What did Elayna have to say about her senior portrait session?
"I chose Laura Esposito Photography because my cousins recommended her and told my family that she does an AWESOME job! I liked how Laura was such a nice and amazing photographer and always gave me the option on where to go. The ones at the pond are some of my favorites. I also liked how the ones in the red top turned out. I would advise others to smile big and let them know that she is AWESOME!"
Elayna, I think that you are AWESOME! Spending time with you and capturing your gorgeous portraits made me so happy. I can't wait for you to pursue your passion for graphic design and photography!!! We will have to keep in touch.