Meet Will | North Canton Hoover HS | Class of 2023

February 14, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

Will-Bopp-NCHoover-2023-7408Will-Bopp-NCHoover-2023-7408 Will is a Class of 2023 Senior at Hoover High School in North Canton and his late October senior portrait session at Congress Lake was such a treat for me. The main reason I enjoyed his session so much is because Will is such a wonderful young man. He is not one to voluntarily take the spotlight, so bringing him along for this experience was fun. Another perk is that I love shooting at Congress Lake and the opportunity doesn't present itself very often. 

Will-Bopp-NCHoover-2023-7489Will-Bopp-NCHoover-2023-7489 As we met each other in the parking lot and reviewed his outfit selections and props, it became apparent to me that golf is a big part of Will's story. Not only does he play golf for Hoover High School, he also enjoys golfing with friends and family. Using the beautiful course as a backdrop was ideal. Those lovely fall colors almost fooled the eye into thinking we had a painted backdrop. 

Will-Bopp-NCHoover-2023-7498Will-Bopp-NCHoover-2023-7498 In addition to his dedication to the golf team, Will is on the Robotics Team. How cool is that? He is also in Ski Club and Link Crew. His friends would say that he is a good student and organized. 

Will-Bopp-NCHoover-2023-7554Will-Bopp-NCHoover-2023-7554 Will's second outfit is this super sharp suit that he wears so well! The spaces around the Country Club were the perfect settings for this upscale look. That smile certainly elevates these portraits. The open collar and brown shoes show that he is indeed on trend. 

Will-Bopp-NCHoover-2023-7600Will-Bopp-NCHoover-2023-7600 It is always fun to get to learn more about a senior by learning some of the things they love. Will happens to love lasagna which shows that he has very good taste. He enjoys reading historical fiction and watching Harry Potter. His favorite sports team is Ohio State. He likes to vacation at Emerald Isle Beach in North Carolina. What a coincidence! That is my favorite vacation spot, too!

Will-Bopp-NCHoover-2023-7653Will-Bopp-NCHoover-2023-7653 Will's third outfit is this casual look of jeans and a simple blue henley shirt. I like that he looks so comfortable with this look, and I absolutely love the shoes! Along with the trees and the lake, we used some great rustic white doors as backdrops. Along with the golf pictures, these pictures by the white doors are Will's favorites.

Will-Bopp-NCHoover-2023-7669Will-Bopp-NCHoover-2023-7669 When will moves on from high school, he says that he is going to miss the high school sporting events. He will, however, be happy to leave the bad lunches behind. His plans for the future are to study electrical engineering. 

Will-Bopp-NCHoover-2023-7720Will-Bopp-NCHoover-2023-7720 I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Will and working with him and his mom to create some fabulous portraits. Thank you for giving me the opportunity and for trusting me with such an important job. I wish you all the best as you move on to bigger and better things. You certainly have what it takes to make your positive mark on the world.

Will-Bopp-NCHoover-2023-7446Will-Bopp-NCHoover-2023-7446 What did Will have to say about his senior portrait session?

"My mom picked Laura Esposito photography because she knew other people who used her and were happy with her work. Laura was nice and wanted me to feel comfortable with the experience. She wanted my pictures to be a good representation of my personality. My advice to other seniors is to just be yourself!"      -Will




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