Meet Jada | Glenoak High School | Class of 2024

January 05, 2024  •  1 Comment

Jada's Senior Portrait Session in Alliance, Ohio

Jada is a Senior in the Class of 2024 at Glenoak High School and we held her September senior portrait session at the University of Mount Union campus and Glamorgan Castle in Alliance, Ohio.


Jada's Pre-session Consultation

When Jada came for her pre-session consultation, I became very excited about this gorgeous smile that I would be capturing along with her natural beauty and very cool girlie style. I learned that she likes the color pink and we discussed some of her outfit options. Our careful planning yielded an incredibly successful session. 

Jada-Ames-GO-2024-7661Jada-Ames-GO-2024-7661 I absolutely love it when the whole family gets involved in the senior portrait session. This really is a special part of senior year, so sharing the experience as a family warms my heart.


Starting the Portrait Session Classic and Trendy

We started Jada's session at the campus of Mount Union in the very classic yet trendy distressed jeans and crisp white top. Her long flowing hair is incredible and frames her smile and sparkling eyes. We started around the pond area and brick arches that have had a recent facelift.

Jada-Ames-GO-2024-7691Jada-Ames-GO-2024-7691 Jada is a busy Senior. She runs both cross country and track. She has also been involved in dance where you might find her in point shoes or in the style of jazz/lyrical. 


Jada Shows her Fun and Girly Style

Jada's second outfit is this stylish coral sundress with the cute flowy skirt. Pairing it with the white high top Converse added a casual and trendy interpretation that makes it youthful and fun. 

Jada-Ames-GO-2024-7733Jada-Ames-GO-2024-7733 We found so many locations for this outfit. We had to incorporate some movement to take advantage of the flowy skirt. 

Jada-Ames-GO-2024-7746Jada-Ames-GO-2024-7746 Jada's friends describe her as loving, devoted, and caring. She is a kind-hearted girl who just wants what is best for everyone. 


Stepping it up with a Crisp White Dress for Portraits

The final outfit for our Mount Union location was this beautiful white dress. She even brought a bouquet of flowers to incorporate into the session. 

Jada-Ames-GO-2024-7877Jada-Ames-GO-2024-7877 Along with liking the color pink, Jada likes running and music... specifically country music and Taylor Swift. Her favorite foods are pasta and frozen yogurt. Her viewing interests include Dance Moms and The Office


The Glamorgan Castle Portion of the Portrait Session

As the evening moved along, I was thrilled with the portraits we were creating. We were ready to move on down the street to Glamorgan Castle to continue having fun and being productive.

Jada-Ames-GO-2024-7966Jada-Ames-GO-2024-7966 Jada's first outfit for our Glamorgan location was just sooooo cool! Few people could pull this off, but Jada owned this look. The white blousy pants with the black silky top inspired some great portraits. 

Jada-Ames-GO-2024-7976Jada-Ames-GO-2024-7976 As Jada anticipates moving on from high school, she knows that she is going to miss making "vlogs" on her phone or iPad in class with her friends. She will  miss the memories and seeing these friends everyday.


Creating some Dance Portraits with Dramatic Lighting

As we had discussed in Jada's pre-session consultation, it was time to capture Jada in her point shoes and tutu so that we could showcase the dancer side of Jada. I really love the ones by the light. It had gotten fairly dark at this time, so using the light that was now illuminated offered some great inspiration. 

LauraEspositoPhotography-JadaAmes1LauraEspositoPhotography-JadaAmes1 Jada plans to attend the University of Mount Union after graduating, so it was fitting that we would hold part of her senior portrait session there. She will be running for Mount Union which is very exciting! She plans to major in biology with the hopes of eventually becoming a dermatologist PA. She would like to minor in exercise science.


Jada's Glenoak Cross Country and Track Portraits

Our final goal for the session was to create some portraits that honor Jada's dedication and success as a runner. We had to get creative with some extra light sources from the parking lot, but we made it work!

Jada-Ames-GO-2024-8118Jada-Ames-GO-2024-8118 Jada, I had so much fun working with you and your family and I absolutely love your senior portraits! Like you, they are fun and dynamic and beautiful! Best wishes to you at Mount where I am sure you will be doing great things. 

What did Jada have to say about her Senior Portrait Session?

"I chose Laura Esposito Photography because I really liked the effect she takes into taking her photos. She is always willing to try something new and unique with her clients. I liked the ability that we were able to get so many photos done. All the changes were fun and I really liked how I had endless locations to use. I really liked the portraits in the pink dress and the black top and white pants. I would tell other seniors don’t be afraid to have fun with it. You only take these photos once!!"


The photographs on this site are virtually stunning! I cannot help but admire the genius at the back of the lens. Each picture captures the essence and persona of the difficulty beautifully. The photographer has a knack for developing memorable moments frozen in time. Keep up the amazing work!
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